S is for spotty car


It’s the time of year when Driving Instructors all over the country work together to raise money for Children in Need. There are two main ways that we do this:

  1. Going Spotty. Next time you see me, my car will be covered in spots. Please consider sponsoring a spot. You choose how much to donate; no amount is too small (or too big), and then you are granted use of the Sharpie Pen to decorate your spot.

2. The Big Learner Relay. This is a 3,000 mile journey around the UK, driven entirely by learners. With several stages each day, each leg has a new lead car and the chosen learner heads up the convoy. It’s a big resposnibility as Pudsey Bear comes along for a ride on top of the car, clinging on to the L-plate roof-box.

I need a learner to help me, as I have the honour of leading the procession out of Wolverhampton with my student driving across Cannock Chase to Shugborough Hall. It’s going to be names in a hat as I can only take one lucky learner … but if you would like to be considered for it then let me know! The date is 4th November 2019

Since 2014 the Big Learner Relay has raised over £400,000. Can this year take it over half a million?

Disability Driving Instructors is a voluntary register of specialist driving instructors.

Learn theory the visual way: great for learners with dyslexia

L-plate with coloured spots for Children in Need

Big Learner Relay for Children in Need

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